Saturday, July 18, 2009

Yesterday was a better day for mom. She is throwing off the pneumonia and is much more steady on her feet. She had good therapy and even did some quality crocheting. However, there is one thing troubling that happened. She aspirated, meaning she had either food or water go down her air pipe. She has done this every once in awhile for the last year and it is rather severe. It can be caused by one of two things, either she swallowed and breathed at the same time or some fluid refluxed back up and overflowed into her air pipe. She recovered ok but it took a lot out of her. In speaking with the doctor, this is something that sometimes occurs in older people, meaning the severity and it can be a great concern. So, we watch. In the past, and even this time, it has only occurred while she was eating or drinking. While she is in the rehab unit, they are going to work with her a bit on swallowing techniques to see if this can be circumvented.

So, other than this, she is in good spirits. She wants to come home, of course, and she will although when that happens is up in the air.

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